In this Layover, Dr's J Santhosh, and Ward conduct their bimonthly internet journal club of recent medical stories trending in social media. Along the way they discuss drug resistant travelers diarrhea, lip synch battles, an update on Ebola, Indian Pharmacies and the omnipresent Dr Patel, Viking recipes for hospital infections, Bette Midlers leechbook, questionable ancient Chinese remedies for sore throats, hipsters and the craft antibiotic movement, using polio to treat cancer, Dr J's inability to do basic math, terrible job puns, and hacking your eyes to see in the dark, hide and seek for science, and a new travel feature, just the tip!
Layover 5: Journal Club
In This Layover, Dr's J and Santhosh conduct another internet journal club of recent medical stories and studies trending in social media. Along the way they discuss where not to store horses, fecal transplants, the difficulty in mailing excrement, american idol poop auditions, mosquito abortion clinics, mosquito bar mitvahs, genetically modified insect disease control, and a noninvasive method to screen fetuses. So Sit back and learn what's new in the wide world of medicine!
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Episode 8: Parasites Lost
In this episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and guest Dr Susana Samaniego discuss surgeons cutting open their own heads, botflies that snorkel inside you, another use for duct tape, the seven year itch, the parasite keeping a diary inside Anne Frank, lice and their plural, bedbugs and their unique odor, and why you should look for hotels with roaches. So sit back, and learn about all the things that can get under your skin!
Layover #3: Be PREP-ared
In this layover, Dr's J and Ward respond to feedback and provide more information about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, including how it's used, in whom, and why. They also find the time to discuss first date conversation, the night-before pill, and a scientific study of promiscuity. So sit back and prepare for sensational news that wont leave a scar!