Episode 12: Yoga-Should you Namaste or Namastgo?

In this jam packed episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and Ward investigate the history, practice and health benefits of Yoga, with input from Yogini and RN, Melanie Esteva. Along the Way, they discuss how yogi bear got his name, moving meditation, the history of yoga in the west, the 8 guiding principles of yoga and different styles of class, daily poses you can do anywhere, the scientifically backed health benefits of yoga, yoga in the ER, and when you shouldn't practice. So sit back and join us as we help you shake your asana!

Special Thanks to Melanie Esteva, who can be found at http://www.melanieesteva.com/

Episode 11: Flu Shy? Don't Bother Me.

In This delayed episode from the holidays, Dr's J and Ward talk about Influenza, Bronchitis, Colds, and Pneumonia. Along the way, they discuss some holiday trivia, oddball restaurants in New York,The Spanish flu epidemic, Swine Flu and the Swine Resident, how the flu vaccine works, the proper way to cough as recommended by the President of the United States, Flu etymology, and a brief discussion about advance directives, and topics from listener feedback. So sit back, for tis the season to learn about the flu!

Layover #4 Journal Club-a new antibiotic, squirting and more!

In this layover, Dr's J and Santhosh conduct an internet journal club of recent new discoveries and stories. Along the way they discuss Disney measles outbreaks, the benefits of consulting old doctors, new antibiotics, lazy scientist nomenclature, glucose pumps and the next step toward an artificial pancreas, female ejaculation, Canadian diversity requirements, and the one sex two sex theory. So sit back, and learn about what's new in medical news!

Episode 10: Under the Sea

Happy 2015, fellow travelers! In this first episode of the new year, Dr's J, Ward, and Santhosh talk about problems encountered with deep sea medicine. Along the way, they discuss the vicious vindictive nature of seals, how to treat a jellyfish sting, more medical etymology, cage diving in Malaysia, decompression sickness in divers, sea sickness and much more! So sit back, and learn why thing's aren't better down where it's wetter, under the sea!

Episode 9: Prion, you crazy diamonds.

In this Episode, Dr's J, Santhosh and Ward talk about infectious proteins known as Prions. Along the way, they discuss China's Hunger Games, zombies, anatomy lab, what really goes into your mcrib, how to stop cannablism through the power of Jesus, mad cow disease, and an interesting and rare patient case of Creuzfeldt Jakob Disease. So Sit back, relax, and let us pri-on in to the mysteries of these infectious proteins!

Episode 8: Parasites Lost

In this episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and guest Dr Susana Samaniego discuss surgeons cutting open their own heads, botflies that snorkel inside you, another use for duct tape, the seven year itch, the parasite keeping a diary inside Anne Frank, lice and their plural, bedbugs and their unique odor, and why you should look for hotels with roaches. So sit back, and learn about all the things that can get under your skin!

Episode 7: Two Tickets to Parasites

In this spooky episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and Ward talk about the Thailand museum of pathology, worms piloting you like a Gundam, reverse xenomorphs, and the history, diagnosis, and treatment of intestinal parasites. So sit back and learn why nobody likes us, everybody hates us, guess we'll go teach worms!

Layovers #2: Ebola Coaster

In this abbreviated "layover" episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and Ward, tell you should know-la about ebola. They cover where the infection started, how it spreads, the treatment and what you can do to protect yourself. If you have seen or heard about ebola on the news lately, sit back and listen to this episode for so much info, you'll be bleeding out your ears!

Episode 4: Things That go Bump in the Night

In this episode, Dr's J, Ward, and Santhosh discuss Thai ping pong shows, promiscuous koalas, and epic poems about syphilis. Along the way, they tackle some of the many sexually transmitted infections, where they are prevalent, how to recognize them, and how they are treated. So put up your seatbacks for our sexiest episode yet!

Episode 3: Bite Club

In this episode, our intrepid traveling physicians Doctors J, Santosh, and Ward monkey around with the Temple of the Apes in India, discuss bite wound zombification, and give you information about dealing with bites that you can really sink your teeth into!

Have Runs, Will Travel

In this inaugural episode of the travel medicine podcast, Dr's Josh Dworetzky, Santhosh Nadipuram, and Ward Han talk about the dangers of train chai, visit the international museum of toilets in India, and teach you about the many causes of diarrhea. So put up your seat-backs and buckle in, because in this episode, everybody poops! 


Thanks To  Brian Ray for creation of the travel medicine podcast logo and all associated imagery

Please note that this program is intended for education and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and evaluation