Layover 14: Journal Club- Synthetic Blood, STD detecting condoms, and sunscreen dispensers

In this layover, Dr's J and Santhosh conduct their final journal club of the first season of TMP. Along the way, they discuss blood texting in sweden, synthetic blood and vampire paramedics, a plug for Dr's J's childrens book, blood type editing, more reasons not to swim, german abortion drones, Bostonian sunscreen dispensers, and a hearty thank you to all our listeners thus far. So Sit back, and find out what's going on this week in the world of medical news!

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Episode 24: Marvel-ous Comic Book Medicine

In This episode, Dr's J, Santhosh and Ward celebrate San Diego Comic Con with a discussion of comic book medicine. Along the way, they cover safety tips for comic conventions, differential diagnosis in a superhero world, EMTALA and the marvel universe, spiderman versus the measles, radioactive semen, morbius the living vampire and porphyria, daredevil and echolocation, medical conditions in the xmen, folie a deux, wolverine and mental health, and viral transmission in the walking dead. So Sit back true believers, and prepare to learn about real world parallels for comic book conditions!

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Layover 13: Journal Club-CPR Tindr, Honey Elixir, and Female Viagra

In This Layover, Dr's J, Santhosh, and Ward, accompanied by Master of Disaster Ernesto conduct their bimonthly review of all the latest medical news. Along the way they discuss peanut butter jelly time, the return of taylor swift jokes, dinosaur blood and jurassic world, The ResQCPR system, the cpr "o" face and happy endings, the swedish cpr bat signal app, tindr for first responders, antibiotic mead, our newest hipster antibiotic cocktail, an update on the first penis transplant recipient, pun wars, female viagra, a request from the WHO to stop drinking urine,  cow chapatis, animal vaccination and more! So Sit back, and find out what's new in the world of medicine!

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Episode 23: Masters of Disaster

In this Episode, Dr's J, Ward and special guest Disaster Coordinator Ernesto Noblejas cover disaster medicine and preparedness. Along the way, they discuss medical history, the START triage system and accidental rascism, the 30-2-can do rule, the poke-em with a stick test, stages of disaster planning, earthquake medicine, the wine and cheese quake, how to pack a personal disaster kit, FEMA danger rooms, the worst part of safety gear, the zombie apocalypse, terrorism, bombs and classes of explosives, tourniquets and bra straps, nuclear fallout, disaster management at Jurassic Park, and in Just the Tip: Heroes Alabama. So Sit back and learn how to survive a real life summer blockbuster!

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Episode 22: Lady and The Tramp

In this episode, Dr's J and traveling surgeon Susana talk about women's health issues as they relate to travel. Along the way, they discuss the famous no mas bebe wipes story, birth control methods, their history, uses, and risks, the baby vaccine, sharks and menstrual blood, why women get urinary tract infections more often than men, the cranberry juice fallacy, alternative uses for lysol, devices that let women stand and pee, the diva cup, Dr susana's zorro mother,  safety tips for lone women travelers, dangerous countries for single ladies, how to be an eye hussy, why cabo is particularly safe from druglords, a vaccine to prevent cancer, and this weeks just the tip-Taiwan. So Sit back, and enjoy this ladies night episode of TMP!

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Layover 12: Journal Club-sunburn dolls, glowing urine, and home brewed morphine

In this layover, Dr's J and Ward, accompanied by special guest motivational speaker Shia Lebouf, perform another weekly roundup of news in the medical sphere. Along the way, they discuss Brazilian sunburn dolls, Shia labeoufs motivational speech, teabagging, doll pubic hairstyles, summer camp questions, glow in the dark cancer detecting urine,  elderly stunt people, home brewed morphine and the next breaking bad, flavor chemists and the weirdest condom flavors in the world, using ecstasy to treat anxiety disorders, cocaine nipples, an immune system in the brain, the highways in your body, some things to keep in your travel pack, and the origin of the snake on a staff symbol for medicine. So Sit back, and find out what's happening in medical news!

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Layover 11: Journal Club- doctor/patient responsibility, appendicitis, and the cancer vaccine

In this layover, Dr's J and Ward, accompanied by ER Josh and Dr Susana, conduct a roundup of weekly world news in the medical sphere. Along the way they discuss drunk eloping from emergency rooms, suing your doctor for your addiction, treating appendicitis with antibiotics, more surgeons cutting themselves open, the secret Russian plant that gave Ivan Drago his strength and youth, blood stealing elderly, mouse dialysis, scotch tape x-rays, Cuba's cancer vaccine, and in this week's Just the Tip, Manly Beach and Quay Restaurant in Sydney Australia. So Sit Back, and find out what's going on in the world of medicine!

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Episode 21: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

In this episode, Dr's J, Santhosh and Ward talk about the big three causes of health problems during vacations, the good old ATF. Along the way, they discuss the percentage effects of  on your body, drink tolerance by weight, drunk bacteria,  snake wine standardization processes, a unique way to dispose of your mousetraps, russian scorpion vodka, the dangers of methanol and antifreeze, medical beer prescriptions, hangovers and how to treat them, liquid nicotine, e-cigs and skynet, trauma surgery in the old west, gunshot wounds in the er, terrible water balloon fillings, paintball injuries and Beijing's Snack Street in this week's Just The Tip! So Sit back, as we help you get drunk on knowledge about alcohol, smoke the competition, and fire off all the facts you need to know!

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Layover 10: Journal Club- Penis Transplants, zombie bacteria, and the malaria vaccine

In this layover, Dr's J, Ward and Santhosh, accompanied by guest Dr Susana, peruse the web for TMPs bimonthly journal club, a roundup of all the medical things happening in the world and on social media. Along the way they discuss nurses week, our new youtube channel, beard feces, pubic hygiene, penile transplants, the importance of organ donation, zombie bacteria, precious metals in medicine, Joni Mitchell and Morgellons disease, The eradication of German Measles, the malaria vaccine and making your hosts get naked, the Texas chlamydia outbreak and abstinence education, and in this week's just the tip: Needles Canyon! So Sit back, and learn about all the wonderful things happening in medicine this week!

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Layover 9: Journal Club- marijuana, robot balls, and personalized cancer vaccines

In this layover, Dr's J and Ward peruse the web for TMP's bimonthly review of all advances in the medical world. Along the way they discuss differing attitudes toward marijuana in Amsterdam and San Francisco, cannabis in epilepsy treatment, the different strains of medical marijuana, an update on the first head transplant, artificial testicles and Han Solo,  personalized cancer vaccines, clam leukemia, and a review of Anne Frank and dutch indonesian food in this week's Just the Tip. So Sit back, and learn about all the cool new advancements happening in the medical world! Happy Earth Day!

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Episode 18: Spacing Out

With the release of the new Star Wars trailer this weekend, Dr's J and Santhosh wrap up their interview on space medicine with Pharmacist Eleanor O'Rangers and Nurse Practitioner Linda Plush. Along the way, they discuss bone loss, whether a trip to Mars would require wheelchairs, the biggest complaint of returning astronauts, the best kind of bed to prepare for space, the trade off between exercise and vision in micro-gravity, space dentistry, why your grandma is the best astronaut (hint: she's expendable), gender differences, cosmic poultry, the gravity prescription, and some surprising medical technologies you didn't know came from NASA. So Sit back, and in this final part of our space trilogy, learn about long term care and tech in the final frontier! 

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Layover 8: Journal Club

In this Layover, Dr's J Santhosh, and Ward conduct their bimonthly internet journal club of recent medical stories trending in social media. Along the way they discuss drug resistant travelers diarrhea, lip synch battles, an update on Ebola, Indian Pharmacies and the omnipresent Dr Patel, Viking recipes for hospital infections, Bette Midlers leechbook, questionable ancient Chinese remedies for sore throats, hipsters and the craft antibiotic movement, using polio to treat cancer, Dr J's inability to do basic math, terrible job puns, and hacking your eyes to see in the dark, hide and seek for science, and a new travel feature, just the tip!

Episode 17: Star Tours and The Voyage Home

In this episode, part 2 of our space medicine trilogy, Dr' J and Santhosh, accompanied by Nurse Practitioner Linda Plush and pharmacist Eleanor O Rangers of Space Medicine Associates, discuss medical considerations for the space tourist. Along the way they discuss IV bags and foley catheters in zero gravity, the difficulties of surgery in outer space, medical officer required skillsets, dealing with medical emergencies on a time delay, galactic chess, youtube surgery, space madness, pioneer medicine, and sex in space and its consequences. So Sit back, and learn all about medicine in the final frontier!

Episode 16: AstroDocs- Lost in Space

In This Episode, Dr's J and Santhosh cover healthcare in space with the assistance of Pharmacist Eleanor O'Rangers and Nurse Practitioner Linda Plush, founders of Space Medicine Associates. Along the way, they discuss astronaut underwater training, the truth about airlocks, the effects of micro-gravity on medications, why you should pee before you leave earth, how to exit a spacecraft based on nationality, dealbreakers for space travel, old people in space, the vomit comet and Wile E. Coyote, Human G-force loading, cosmically transmitted diseases, the contents of space first aid kits and much more. So Sit back, and prepare for an episode that is out of this world!

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Special Thanks to Space Medicine Associates

Layover 7: Journal Club

In this Layover, Dr's J and Ward conduct another internet journal club of recent medical stories trending in social media. Along the way they discuss poking on facebook, average penis size, how to standardize penile measurements, who made those blue eyes blue, glaucoma from changing eye color, an outbreak of ocular syphilis, how to dissuade people from buying you drinks, and a potential new treatment for alzheimers disease.  So sit back, and learn about ways to change and maintain your body on this week's journal club!


Episode 15: Big Shots and the Vacci-Nation

In this Episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and Ward take a shot at covering vaccines, from their history to misconceptions. Along the way, they discuss ancient san jose techniques for preventing disease, buying the smallpox, medical etymology, why FDR is on the dime, polio and why you dont know what it looks like, the different kinds of vaccines, bomb sniffing dogs in your bloodstream, recommended vaccinations for kids and travelers, and common misconceptions and concerns about vaccines, all without any name calling! So Sit Back, and prepare to have all your needling questions about vaccination answered!

Layover 6: Journal Club

In this layover, Dr's J, Santhosh and Ward conduct another internet journal club of recent medical stories trending in social media. Along the way, they discuss the loss of Leonard Nimoy, color-blindness fixing glasses, the mantis shrimp, Santhosh's childhood in bedrock, two-father babies, Arnold Schwarzenegger films, cross dressing germ cells, three-parent fertilization, mitochondrial diseases, jurassic park babies, human head transplants, bionic reconstruction and the luke hand, and a fascinating way to recharge your electronics. So Sit back, and learn about the future of medical technologies!

Episode 14: Let us ENT-ertain you!

In this episode, Dr's J and Santhosh talk about head and neck medicine, with the assistance of Professional Opera singer and voice coach, Jessica Tivens. With her assistance, they cover the physiological and anatomical basis of singing, and techniques to avoid injury. Along the way, they discuss how to send your voicebox to the gym, chest anatomy, your inner gorilla, proper breathing technique for karaoke, shattering glass with your voice, Dr J's love of pop music, vocal nodules and hemorrhages, singing as a professional sport, the secret identity of the three tenors, tone deafness, the 6 valvular functions, cocaine babies, and world musical styles including yodeling throwdowns, tibetan throat singing and more. So Sit back and learn about singing as this week we are all about that voice, no trouble!

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Special Thanks to Jessica Tivens

Episode 13: Drug Me Tender, Drug Me True

In This Episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, Ward, and returning guest Dr Susana talk about the medical consequences of recreational narcotics. Along the way, they discuss Breaking Bad in Hawaii, e-tards, junkie elephants, the dangers of teething in Victorian London, a very British way of detoxing, accidentally testing positive on drug tests, medical etymology, super-heroin, krokodil, drug preferences by decade, super mario real world outcomes, and an odd cure for the common cold. So Sit back, and get ready for one heck of a trip as we discuss drugs!

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Layover 5: Journal Club

In This Layover, Dr's J and Santhosh conduct another internet journal club of recent medical stories and studies trending in social media. Along the way they discuss where not to store horses, fecal transplants, the difficulty in mailing excrement, american idol poop auditions, mosquito abortion clinics, mosquito bar mitvahs, genetically modified insect disease control, and a noninvasive method to screen fetuses. So Sit back and learn what's new in the wide world of medicine!

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